First Tee Nerves

A crowd of fellow players around the tee or the desire to do well in the competition round about to get underway can both cause nerves. If you’re used to warming up you’ll know how easy it is to go from arrow straight drives down the range to a 40 yard miss off the first tee.

Nerves are a reaction to stress, most commonly because we’re under pressure to get the round off to a good start. The first proper swing of the day also has that sense of unknown that dissipates as soon as we make a solid connection.

The first shot of the day often has a big impact on what’s to follow. A smooth swing and contact leads to thought-free swings where you can focus on the target. A wide off the 1st or a glancing blow can instantly put technical thoughts in your head. Was that a bit quick, did i take it back on the inside, or forget to turn my hips…..

Rounds that start with technical thoughts rarely end with our best scores.

And this where CBD can create a trend of better scoring.

Anyone that tells you CBD will change your golf swing is giving you unrealistic expectations – a PGA pro is the best person to see for swing improvement. But if making the most of what you have is your plan then CBD is the most valuable addition you could make to your bag.

Starting well more often will give you more chances to shoot lower scores. Not because your swing has changed but because you are confident to play with what you have, rather than question yourself with technical analysis as you play.

One of the main benefits of CBD is influencing stress response. If we can reduce the nerves created by the anxiety of that first shot you have a much better chance of executing it.

So if you suffer from poor starts try 30 – 40mg of CBD before you start. If it’s edibles like gummies or domes take them 45 minutes before your tee time. If it’s oil or spray you use then 5 minutes before your tee time is ideal.

The effect is subtle, you will feel fewer nerves, sharper focus on the shot you plan to execute and calm about the outcome.

CBD won’t make you hit perfect tee shots off the 1st every time, but in a relaxed and focused state they will happen more often. And if more of your rounds get off to a solid thought-free start, your overall scoring will improve.

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