In 2018 I discovered CBD as a natural alternative to NHS meds for treating my daughter’s epileptic seizures.

Juvenile absent seizure epilepsy is caused by irregular electrical activity in the brain and we were able to reduce the symptoms using broad spectrum CBD.

I’m a keen golfer and had also been experiencing irregular brain activity on the course! Years of practice had given me a good handicap, but I had a problem that was ruining my game. I had the yips.

From 200 yards away I was always relaxed, confident in my swing and could visualize my shot. From 2 feet away the task of getting the ball in the hole had become almost impossible.

When I witnessed the benefits for my daughter Lucy, I experimented with CBD and found I could reduce the feelings of horror on the greens. I remained nervous over putts, but the twitching stopped.
And that’s where Golfers CBD began.

I wondered how many other golfers out there had the yips. How many battled nerves, anxiety and pain each week. How many had given up the game.

Of those without any affliction how many could score better if they stayed in a good mood, managed stressful situations, stayed relaxed and focused all the way round.

We’ve had great success with CBD and now we’re expanding our range to include functional mushroom products. These offer different benefits to CBD and provide golfers with improved mental and physical performance on and off the course.

So our mission in 2025 and beyond is to help players realize their full potential by combatting any small physical or mental issues. To make golf a more enjoyable experience and get more from the great game we play.

Andrew Dixon
Golfers CBD

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